Sunday, 19 April 2015

Invisible Book Review

 Invisible, Book review!

Author: Cecily Paterson.
Genre: Young Adult 
My Rating: 2* 
Synopsis: Jazmine Crawford doesn't make decisions. She doesn't make choices. She doesn't make friends. Jazmine Crawford only wants one thing: to be invisible. For Jazmine, it's a lot easier to take out her hearing aid and drift along pretending that nothing's wrong than it is to admit that she's heartbroken. She starts to come out of her shell when she's forced to be in the school play and even makes friends with bouncy Gabby and chocolate-loving Liam. But can she stand up to the school bully, and is she strong enough to face the truth about what really happened to her dad?

Hi Lovelies, 

My thoughts...

I read this book in July 2014 and I have to admit,I was disappointed. My type of book that I normally go for is young adult or romance, so that is why I found this book interesting and decided to give it a read. In the synopsis they made it sound like a exciting story line, but in my opinion there is nothing big or exciting that happens. 

I have read other peoples reviews on this book and I have seen that quite a lot of people have rated it 5*. If you like a book that is very realistic and a easy read, then this is the book for you. Unfortunately, I prefer books with more suspension and atmosphere. I like to know that something exciting is about to happen, that is what makes me want to read on. 

Also, this book did have a few grammar errors , which I found off putting when I was reading it. 

One thing I did quite like about this book however, is that it was written in a 12 year old's point of view, which is different to what i'm use to, so I found that adorable. Also, the character wasn't overly whiny, which I liked, even tho we knew she was going through some terrible things, she wasn't constantly moaning. 

If you are thinking about reading this book, I recommend you don't go into it with expectations that its going to be the best book ever. Instead, just start the book with an open mind and just simply enjoy the story line and try to connect with the characters. 

Overall, I found the story line sweet because it was nice to see how a troubled teenage can turn her life around. However, I was quite disappointed because I was expecting more drama and excitement, there wasn't really enough to please me, which is why I've rated the book 2*s.

1 comment:

  1. Great review, it sounds like although you did not love the book it was still a sweet story line. I love your blog, thanks for visiting mine! I have followed you with GFC and Instagram.

    Best wishes,

    Camille xo


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